- Tool that battles the urgent—purchased and placed in a way that is ready for an upcoming urgent need.
- Expiration date—unlike cash, the inventory eventually becomes obsolete, spoils, hardened, old; needs a turnover goal or a timely ordered/received by date.
- Cost of storage—limit the space: the area used to store inventory is an expense; don’t eliminate the ability of a team/individual to have inventory; don’t let inventory become an antique warehouse.
- Organized—for quick use, displayed intuitively, and checked out easily.
- Levels—figure out the correct minimum and maximum; understand the times when it used most/least.
Opening Questions
- How does inventory save us time?
- We have what we need when we need it and don’t have to do a last minute run for one thing.
- How much money does our team have tied up in inventory?
- Make your own guess
- Should we have more or less inventory?
- Staff answers will give you a good idea of what the sore spots of inventory are and aspects of the Big 5 will come up in these answers.
Closing Thoughts
- More inventory is not always better, neither is too tight. We need to figure out the balance.
- How can we be better organized with our inventory? For our team’s use? For other’s use?
- What should we add to inventory in order to battle the urgent?