Praying for Church Plant Ministries

  1. To have wisdom to use rental facilities with creativity, efficiently, and with limited distraction
  2. To be able to fight the sense of loneliness and solitude
  3. To display a strong work ethic in all areas of their ministry
  4. To have patience to allow God to work in His time at His pace
  5. For God to give them co-laborers who can assist in the church plant
  6. To have God-given discernment to preach a practical, doctrinal, understandable message each Sunday
  7. To have a God-given ability to endure hard times without quitting
  8. For God to effectively help them promote the church through door-to-door work, advertising, and phone campaigns
  9. For God to help the church planter and his wife to have meaningful times of devotion between them and God
  10. For God to build a church that will be able to sink down roots and last for years to come