Team Builders

Ask questions that encourage thought, not just response. Input will build your team.

  • How can you tell your work makes a difference?
  • What is your biggest complaint about your job and ministry?
  • What did you accomplish at your last meeting?
  • What would you change if you could?
  • Are “sacred cows” getting slaughtered or revered?

Team Stranglers

  • Each one of these people strangles the team in a unique, suffocating way by avoiding his responsibility.
  • The Expert–no matter the question, this person knows the answer
  • Captain Eeyore—no matter the task, this person knows it will fail
  • Mr. Everything is a Joke—regardless of what pressures are looming, this person can’t be serious
  • Dr. Dolittle—no matter how long the list, this person can stay busy doing nothing