Balloon Bonanza

Place strips of messages into balloons so that each lady pops a balloon simultaneously, reads the message strip, and then hunts for the missing piece or message.  The messages can be two-part for smaller groups or multiple pieces to put together for larger groups.

Message ideas for smaller groups:

  • Use names such as George Washington so that one balloon would have a strip for George and another balloon would have a strip for Washington. The ladies then search for the match to their strip.  Once their match is found, they then share their full name with each other, anything interesting about their name, and then be ready to introduce each other to the rest of the group.
  • Divide a famous proverb or quote in half and have the ladies voluntarily share a story of how the proverb came true in their life.
  • Use questions with even smaller groups—when a lady pops a balloon, she has to answer the “getting to know you” question inside.

Message ideas for larger groups:

  • Divide a Bible verse into five or six parts, and then after the entire verse has been put together, have one member of the group introduce the ladies in the group.
  • Have strips include a specific color dot so that the ladies have to match up the colors and then answer the questions from the strip. For instance, five or six strips would have a green dot, another five or six would have a blue dot, etc.  All of the blue dots might have one or two different questions that the group discusses before having one lady introduce the group.