Brainstorm Pitfalls
Avoid these and it is possible that you’ll come up with a good idea . . . not guaranteed . . . just possible . . . maybe!
No Food—People need something to do during the uncomfortable silences of a brainstorm. Food helps. Some body with an Agenda—If you already know exactly what you are going to do, then you are wasting everybody else’s time. A set plan and a brainstorm are mutually exclusive.
Time Is too Short—“Let’s brainstorm for 3½ minutes on ways to improve our ministry.” Brainstorming is never a shortcut. Spend the time to build the storm.
Time Has a Definite End— “We’ll work on this till 5:30.” We’re now watching the clock instead of thinking of an idea.
No Boundaries—Brainstorming needs some direction and lines in order to be productive. You will avoid many no’s by sharing a few boundaries.
Gotta Make a Decision Today—Brainstorming is a time to collect ideas and let them roll around a bit. Do your brainstorm at least three days before you need to decide.