Cell Phones

  • Real conversations over screens—manage the interruptions of your phone while in personal conversations (e.g., airplane mode, do not disturb, turning off most notifications).
  • Interruptions kill productivity—figure out how to have two to three blocks of uninterrupted time; one block should be at home and a couple at work. Teach others the importance of working and living without constant interruption.
  • Okay with limitations—technology makes you feel like you can do more than ever before, but we have limited time and energy. Decide how you are going to communicate and be okay with not adding another method of sharing, talking, texting. You will not be able to keep up with everyone or everything.
  • Safety is from the Lord (Proverbs 21:31)—it isn’t a result of having a phone; trust in God not your devices.
  • Redeem the time (Ephesians 5:15–21) and walk in the Spirit—a smart phone becomes the filler of all extra time; don’t let a tool that could help redeem your time become the toy that squanders your moments.

Opening Question

  1. For what different tasks do you use your phone?
  2. The 10 to 20 different tasks we can list show how integral the phone has become to us.

Closing Thoughts

  • Don’t confuse your digital neighbor with your real neighbor that God has put in your path. Love your neighbor.
  • Always address problems in person.
  • Unplug one day a week, one week a quarter, and a few special days—life can go on without your phone.