Activity of Change

  • Presented—first idea, conversation . . . long way from a change
  • Debated—balance of input pushed by an appropriate deadline
  • Decided—who, how, when, then communicate to all others; some changes are made and you don’t realize them till now
  • Challenged—holding onto the decided change; revert to old habits; some want to extend/minimize what was decided; accountability and follow through is key in this step
  • Adjusted—beginning the process all over again; don’t be afraid to change here just as you asked folks to change at the beginning

Opening Questions

  1. When you hear, “We’re going to change!,” what first comes to your mind?
  2. Some folks are optimistic and some are pessimistic. Everybody has an opinion about change.
  3. When is change finished?
  4. Never here on earth. God gives us the responsibility of choice, stewardship, and co-laborer which gives each of us the responsibility to keep changing. We can’t bury it in a hole.

Closing Thoughts

  • We are many times frustrated when others will not change when we have to be open about change ourselves.
  • Work hard at not allowing the process to become personally charged.
  • It takes time to make change happen. Be patient with the process.
  • Be prepared to learn new things.