Staff Departure Checklist

Return borrowed ministry property: __          Checked by: ______________________________
Turn in keys: __                                                    Checked by: ______________________________
Receipts and reimbursements: __                    Checked by: ______________________________
Voice mail and e-mail re-routed: __                Checked by: ______________________________
Staff manual turned in: __                                 Checked by: ______________________________
Reference release waiver: __                             Checked by: ______________________________

I authorize _________________________ to furnish any future employers with whom I seek employment with whatever information they may desire regarding my employment here, including my reason(s) for leaving. I am signing this waiver voluntarily and request that _________________________ respond to all reference inquiries with full and complete information.

Since this reference is an important part of my application for my future employment, I therefore waive and release _________________________ from any and all claims or causes of action in law or equity, including, but not limited to, defamation of character or invasion of privacy, which might arise from responding to a reference check.

Office inspection: __                                             Checked by: ______________________________

  • Inventory of furniture
  • Inventory of tools and equipment
  • Clean
  • Damage to fix or pay for
  • All trash inside/outside dumped

Forwarding address: __                                        Checked by: ______________________________

Suggest getting change-of-address cards at the post office




Employee’s Signature ____________________________ Date _______________________________

Employer’s Signature_____________________________ Date________________________________

Final paycheck held until all items are checked off.