Checklist for a Boss

(To Be Filled Out By His Secretary)

1. How can I best communicate to you what projects are priority? In other words do I give you too many A’s and not enough B’s and C’s?

2. In your mind, how do I handle your checking up on me to see if I’m taking care of my responsibilities?

3. How can we improve our communication?

  • How am I doing at letting you know where I am, what meetings I have, and in general, what my day looks like?
  • How am I doing at responding to your e-mails?
  • Do you have a suggestion for a regular system of communication between us?

4. Are there any jobs you see me doing that you believe you should be doing instead of me?

5. Do you ever feel that I ask you to make phone calls or speak to people about an issue that I should really be dealing with myself? If so, please give an example or two.

6. Do you have enough time to work on the projects I give you, or do you feel like I’m constantly heaping more on you than you can handle?