
Church Involvement


“Adopt-a-Day” is designed to get the entire church involved in sending young people to camp. Many times those who could profit the most from a week of camp are the ones who cannot afford to go to camp. Maybe you are trying to get the “fringe” kids signed up; or maybe you are just trying to make camp less expensive for everyone. “Adopt-a-Day” is a quick, easy way to accomplish those goals. The “Adopt-a-Day” certificate should be used as a bulletin insert, possibly copied on parchment-type paper. Make sure each adult receives one of these inserts. During the announcement time, explain the “Adopt-a-Day” program.

  1. Camp is a valuable tool.
  2. “Adopt-a-Day” gives those who do not have children (singles, newly married, or senior citizens) a chance to help send a young person to camp.
  3. Adults have the option of adopting one day (price of camp divided by 6) or any number of days.
  4. Each young person who has a day adopted will be expected to write a thank-you note and a keep a small journal of one of their days at camp. (This journal and note should be given to the person who adopted the day.)
  5. Remind everyone that by adopting a day they have a part in the eternal rewards stored up in Heaven.
  6. If they are interested in adopting a day, have them fill out the “Adopt-a-Day” form and put it in the offering plate with their cash or check attached or give it to the Registration Coordinator.
  7. Keep this money in a designated church account.


  1. “Adopt-a-Day” is valuable because the money is not designated for a certain individual; you can distribute days evenly or adopt every day for a needy child.
  2. “Adopt-a-Day” is also valuable because it is easy and fast.


  • Can sometimes get written up as a community service for hiring out to do house and yard work under the supervision of the youth pastor
  • Good community publicity
  • Able to reach new homes with a witness


A camp scholarship is awarded to those who fulfill a set of requirements (attendance, memorization, Bible reading, etc.).

Budget Allotment

Set aside part of the youth budget for camp.


Draw a map and figure a cost per mile. As the money is raised, fill in the route to camp with red.


Make up tickets with camp fees divided into bite-sized pieces (i.e., a yummy, nutritious meal for eight hungry campers—$__, a day full of Christian love—$__, a ride to camp and back—$__). Sell these to adults in church/Sunday school.

Free Car Wash

Different than most car washes, this one is FREE! You will have plenty of cars to wash and will make more money than you would have thought possible for a car wash. How is that possible? Each person washing cars is sponsored per car they wash.

  1. Each participant receives a sponsor sheet.
  2. He then solicits church members, relatives, and friends to sponsor him per car the group washes (i.e. $0.10 per car).
  3. Find a good spot and advertise for your FREE car wash!
  4. Record each car’s license plate number to prove how many cars you washed.
  5. Remember to set out a donation bucket in case folks want to donate. (You will find that most people will put in an average of $2.00 per car.)
  6. Multiply the number of cars by the amount sponsored per car and collect from each sponsor (i.e. $0.10 per car x 83 cars = $8.30).


  1. The amount of money made by each participant depends on how hard he works to get sponsors.
  2. Use the money from the donation bucket to pay for car wash expenses, and put the excess in a camp scholarship fund.
  3. Give sponsors an estimate of the number of cars you will wash, and possibly even set a maximum number they would pay for. (i.e. “We estimate that we will wash 75 cars but 100 would be the maximum you would sponsor.”)

Gift Certificates

Gift certificates can be used by parents, grandparents, friends, etc. to help a young person go to camp. Whether for Christmas or a birthday, a gift certificate is a great way to help your youth. The church may even want to use it as a reward or promotional tool during VBS, Sunday school, etc. (i.e. $10 Gift Certificate for the teen who brings the most visitors in June).

  1. Choose one person who will handle all gift certificates.
  2. Copy the gift certificate master on bright paper.
  3. Each time a person buys a gift certificate, a record should be kept using the receipt form. (This way, if the certificates are lost, you will have a record of them.)
  4. Money collected from gift certificates should be kept in a designated church account.
  5. At the time of camp, the child may redeem his certificates.


  1. Any amount may be chosen for the gift certificates.
  2. They may be used as a year-round fundraiser.
  3. Folks without kids may want to give a $5 certificate to all the kids going to camp. (Every little bit helps!)

Good Deeds Auction

The youth submit a good deed that they would be willing to do. They should submit at least one and could submit several. Examples of possible good deeds are listed below.

  • I will mow your lawn.
  • I will wash and wax your car.
  • I will wash all your windows on your house.
  • I will baby-sit your kids for a night.
  • I will spring clean your kitchen.
  • I will work at your house on Saturday from dawn till dusk.

After a potluck at church, have somebody auction off the good deeds. Keep several things in mind while doing the auction.

  • Let everyone know where the proceeds are going for the auction.
  • Do not let anyone know who the good deeds are from.
  • Set minimum dollar amounts for each item, but always start the bidding at $1.00. This will get people involved in the “bidding up” process.
  • The auctioneer needs to be enthusiastic about whatever he is selling.
  • Have fun with it, and you are guaranteed to raise funds.

Loose Change Container

Set a narrow-mouthed jar in the lobby for pocket change.

Pancake Breakfast

This may possibly be held at the church or community center. Sell tickets and have the teens cook the meal. You can often get free products from stores in town to serve for breakfast.

Scholarship Fund

Some folks might want to send a teen to camp; this is a good motivator for follow-up, too!

Slave Sale/Auction

“Sell” the teens to church members to do work for them on a certain day.

Sponsored Marathons

The possibilities are endless; here are a few!

  • Bible read-a-thon or verse-a-thon (memorize verses)
  • Bike-a-thon
  • Bowl-a-thon
  • Canvass-a-thon (for bus visitation or youth event)
  • Fat-a-thon (per pound lost by the preacher!)
  • Rocker-a-thon (per hour in a rocking chair—provide entertainment, etc.)
  • Walk-a-thon/jog-a-thon
  • Work-a-thon (at the church or in a neighborhood)

Sunday School Offerings


Have a set rate ($5/hour) for work at the church to put on the account toward camp. Adults raise the money.