Confronting a Laggard
Most teams have one laggard—that one person that seems to always be a little behind, who cannot seem to get it all together. How do you give that little encouragement to help him?
Ask questions to see if he realizes where he is.
▪ “Do you realize how many times you’ve been late?”
▪ “Do you realize how many times you’ve missed a deadline?”
Move a small responsibility to someone else. Let him know that you want him to catch up, and you are trying to help him. Sometimes a person becomes a laggard because he takes on too many things and begins to slow down because of the weight of everything he has added to his life.
Assume the best. Ask him what is going on outside work that is adding pressure to his life. Don’t be surprised to hear that pressures from family, church, or personal health are having an impact on his work.
Be honest. Tell him, “I’ve noticed your having a rough time . . . may I help?