Qualifications of a Good Camp Counselor

  1. Spirituality
  • A person of strong Christian convictions and of unquestioned Christian character
  • A person who believes that the acceptance of Jesus Christ as Savior is the basic need of mankind
  1. Personality
  • A person who by the force of his personality commands a following
  • A person sufficiently strong intellectually, emotionally, chronologically, and spiritually to be
    admired and respected by youth
  1. Interest
  • A person who has demonstrated a definite interest in youth
  • A person who has tolerance for youthful characteristics
  • A person who has interest in human nature and character development
  1. Emotional Stability
  • A person who meets problems or unusual circumstances calmly
  • A person who is not easily upset or confused
  • A person who is not too easily swayed by nagging or pressure; can say no or yes and mean it
  1. Resourcefulness
  • A person who is sufficiently resourceful and alert to youth needs to be able to lead the group in its thinking
  • A person who has a minimum basic understanding of age characteristics
  1. Personal Habits
  • A person who has a clean mind. Wholesome thinking is contagious.
  • A person who has habits of personal cleanliness. For health as well as for appearance, physical cleanliness cannot be neglected in camp.
  1. Power of Evaluation
  • A person who gives time to what is most important, i.e., not allowing the group to take so much time in getting ready for bed that there is no time for devotions, etc.
  • A person who can set up definite objectives and guide the group to accomplish these objectives
  • A person who has a sense of balanced program in both devotions and other activities
  • A person who can lead the group to face really important issues, such as…

What is the chief purpose of life?

What shall I do with my life?

How can I become a Christian?

  1. Loyalty
  • A person who is in harmony with the policies of Ironwood, its traditions, and practices. All camps are different. This one, as all others, has convictions and traditions that are its own.
  • A person who is willing to take orders or suggestions from supervisors. Supervisors are responsible to their superiors for the conduct of the group.