Good Ministry Decisions

Our Purpose Statement:

We don’t just do something because—

  • We can
  • We want to
  • We’ve talked about the possibility
  • We’ve talked about the concept
  • We’ve had it given to use and someone on staff wants to

How do we make decisions?

What is at stake? Credibility . . . livelihood of families . . . whole ministry

Four Key Purpose Considerations for Decisions . . . to do or not to do

  1. Ministry Purpose—direct
  2. Program Purpose—goals and objectives
  3. Efficiency and Effectiveness Purpose—distractions, do it better
  4. Staff Purpose—most valuable resource, aid, growth, service, improvement

Additional Seven Factors

  1. Facility Factor—space needs, location
  2. Financial Factor—how much it will cost, will it make money or continue to cost?
  3. Function Factor—structure, organization, how it will work, business (legal)
  4. Fit Factor—interaction and affect on what we are now doing
  5. Future Factor—long range, growth, potential, risk factor
  6. Family Factor—staff, who, time requirement, divert time from?
  7. Faith Factor—would this be in God’s will?

“If riches increase, set not your heart on them.” Psalm 62:10

“Come and hear, all ye that fear God and I will declare what He hath done for my soul.” Psalm 66:16