Differences Between Ministry and a Job

Ministry is people.
Job is task.

For ministry: God.
For job: me.

In ministry time is short.
In job the clock is watched.

Ministry is eternal.
Job is temporal.

Ministry becomes a privilege.
Job becomes a right.

Ministry is an opportunity.
Job is an inconvenience.

In ministry we are with God.
In job we are alone.

It’s Becoming a Job When …

. . . My relationship with my coworkers is more important than my relationship with God.
. . . I begin to believe that my paycheck comes at the end of the month.
. . . Overtime becomes part of my vocabulary.
. . . It becomes my work instead of God’s work.
. . . “My rights” become my focus.
. . . For me to live is not Christ.
. . . I stop praying.
. . . The clock defines my ministry.
. . . Service is no longer a privilege.

Job or Ministry?

A job is at your choice: A ministry is at Christ’s call.
In a job you expect to receive; In a ministry you expect to give.
In a job you give something to get something; In a ministry you return something that has already been given to you.
A job depends on your abilities; A ministry depends on your availability to God.
A job well done brings you praise; A ministry well done brings honor to Christ.

by James Spurgeon