Elevate Your Humor

  • A sense of humor is a sure sign that someone has a brain and is using it. We all have a sense of humor, but sometimes we don’t get something that is funny—our brain struggles to figure out why everyone else is laughing.
  • Humor has three important ingredients—surprise, false conflict, and timing—and is built on the foundation of love. When two people have a relationship built on love, the conflict part of humor is known to not be real. Slapstick humor by the Three Stooges makes it obvious that they like each other even though they are poking each other’s eyes out.
  • Elevating your humor means taking your humor to a higher level. Chances are that you no longer laugh at pre-school peek-a-boo, and you should have a more developed humor than the jr high jokes centered around bodily functions and noises.
  • When a person keeps laughing about coarse, base, or things in the gutter, tell him to elevate his humor!

Neither filthiness, nor foolish talking, nor jesting, which are not convenient: but rather giving of thanks.
Ephesians 5:4