Fearing Shrink
- I’m going to lose my job—not really; as a laborer in God’s harvest, you will always be needed. You may just have to change fields
- Somebody else will lose their job, but I’ll have to do two people’s work—yes, you may be willing, but remember you can’t do more than you are able. You still must live within your limits of strength and time.
- Where is the Achan in the camp—bad things happen for many different reasons. Don’t assume that your coworker is the cause of your hardship.
- It’s not going to be normal anymore—actually it is normal that God does not let us get too comfortable in one spot.
- People will think that we are incompetent because we are not growing—I should not be worried about what others think and need to concentrate on being a good steward of whatever God has entrusted me.
Closing Thoughts
- Speak to yourself truth from the Bible—don’t listen to your emotions and speculations about the future (Psalm 23).
- God is in control and powerful (Psalm 46).
- God is my portion (Psalm 73:26, 28).
- God provides (1 Kings 17).