
Tips for Success

  1. Make sure camp is promoted with enthusiasm! The people need to know that their money is going to be well spent. Here are a few ways to accomplish this:
  • Testimonies—of past campers or parents of campers
  • Picture Day—photos from camp
  • Promotion Table—with brochures, etc. and manned by youth
  • Frequent Announcements—on your progress of raising funds
  • Prayer Lists—with campers and the camp name on them
  1. Begin early! Sales are effective during the Christmas season.
  2. Do not let the kids keep the money. Have lots of accountability and accurate records. A savings account system or camp stamp book works well for this.
  3. A note on sales. Give them some coaching on how to sell. Have some written information about what the money goes toward, with your name and church address included. Give each young person an envelope marked “fund-raising collection.” Do not let the sales drag out; set a three-week time limit.
  4. Contact the camp office to see if there are any scholarship programs currently available for needy families!