How Waste Happens

  • When a gift of time, money, and/or resource is not used for the purpose given—waste is the opposite of stewardship.
  • When I don’t spend but hoard, save, protect a reserve, or don’t use it.
  • When I spend extra time or money because of my disorganization; I don’t know what I’ve been given.
  • When I spend anything on less important things—mission helps define priority.
  • When I don’t stretch every dollar, don’t care for every item, and don’t learn from mistakes.

Closing Thoughts

  • Hardest test of waste or stewardship happens when there is perceived excess.
  • Embezzlement is when you spend money for a purpose other than the one for which it was intended.
  • Waste in any area of my life indicates my life habits of waste in other areas—all of life is a gift with the responsibility of stewardship.
  • Lazy people have excuses for waste; God recognizes any gift wasted.
  • Storing trash is wasting storage space; trash cans should be dumped.