
How do you get ladies to loosen up in a meeting without embarrassing them? The best way for groups to relax and laugh together is to do small group activities or skits. For instance, ask your guest speaker a “would you rather” question and have the ladies find a partner. In each group of two, one lady answers the question, and the other lady agrees or disagrees with the answer. When the speaker gives the true answer, the lady with the incorrect guess has to sit down. You keep asking “would you rather” questions to the speaker until only one lady is left standing. Here are some sample “would you rather” questions:

Would you rather watch TV or read a book?

…steal from an old lady or laugh out loud at a funeral?

…have the power to fly or disappear?

…be yelled at by a friend or stranger?

…be 15 all your life or never a teenager?

…bite your tongue or burn it?

…skydive or hang glide?

…go blind or deaf?

…wear a hairpiece or dentures?

…scratch a chalkboard or bite down on tinfoil?

…live on an island by yourself or in jail with criminals?

“Would you rather” questions are found in books by Doug Fields.

“Getting To Know You” Questions

The best way for groups to relax and laugh together is to do small group activities. Start by allowing volunteers to answer the questions, but don’t be afraid to ask the quiet ones for an answer, too.

  • If you had to be a type of clothing, what would you be and why?
  • What will be the most important room in your future mansion?
  • If you had the power to bring one person back to life, who would it be and why?
  • With two adjectives, describe yourself.
  • With two adjectives, describe your friends.
  • What is the worst job you could have? Why?
  • You will become a cosmonaut for three years and live in an 8’ x 8’ space. What will you take with you?
  • What is the worst and best part of being a female?
  • How will your will be different than any other person’s will?
  • If you had to give up a food, what food would be hardest to give up?
  • If you were given a two-month vacation, where would you go? What would you do?
  • If you worked at Wal-mart, what would you want to do?
  • If you could spend only $10 on Christmas gifts, what would you buy and for whom?

The Amazing Race

Assign a city, country, or continent (depending on the size of your crowd) to each nametag. The geographical location should be placed on the back of the nametag so that no one but the owner of the nametag knows the location. As soon as everyone arrives, the race should begin. Each lady is given a map to her treasure; but to obtain the treasure, she has to travel to the different locations on her map. Traveling to these locations means the first lady must find the lady who represents that location and have her sign off saying that the first lady visited her location. The key is that the visit has to result in the first lady learning something new about the other lady. At the end of the race when everyone has reached her locations to obtain her treasure, the leader asks each lady to share what she learned from her “amazing race.” The treasure could be a bag of chocolates, a tea bag, a bundle of greeting cards, etc., depending on your budget and size of crowd. This race can be done individually or in groups.

Have You Ever Done This?

Provide sheets of paper numbered from 1-18.
Ask the questions and give a prize to the lady with the “lowest” score.

Have you ever . . .

  1. Locked yourself out of the house?
  2. Lost a member of the family while out shopping?
  3. Put something unusual in the refrigerator?
  4. Turned white colors pink (or another color) in the wash?
  5. Gone away from your home and left the iron on?
  6. Put your heel through the hem of a dress?
  7. Had your zipper break in public?
  8. Gone somewhere with two different shoes or socks on?
  9. Remembered an appointment after it was too late?
  10. Called a member of the family by another name?
  11. Been ready to bathe and found no hot water?
  12. Fallen up the stairs?
  13. Gone shopping for groceries and discovered you did not bring any money with you?
  14. Driven away from somewhere while a member of your party was not in the car yet?
  15. Dialed a phone number and forgot who you called?
  16. Locked the keys in your car?
  17. Got into the car to go somewhere and forgot where you were going?
  18. Put something in the oven to bake and forgot about it?