
Individual Efforts

Club 52
Ask anyone who gives an offering to add one dollar a week to their giving total. If each giver will give a dollar every week for one year, each person will have given $52. Most will give more which only doubles your efforts. If everyone gets involved, the money really adds up.

House Numbers

  • Make and sell 5” wooden numbers for houses; adult in church could cut; kids could finish and paint/stain.
  • Paint the number on the curb (stencils).

Mailbox Flags

Go door-to-door and paint mailbox flags red for $0.50.


See church involvement.


Make kids available for baby-sitting, mowing, and odd jobs by the day/hour/weekend/month.


Items are endless; here are a few!

  • Baked goods
  • Candy
  • Chocolate
  • Firewood—cut and delivered
  • Fruit baskets—delivered with a card
  • Light bulbs
  • Posters, calendars, stationery
  • Name parchments
  • Nuts—picked at orchard and sold
  • Stuffed animals

Savings Account

Collect weekly in youth group, and keep good records.

Stamp Books

Sell stamps for $0.25 or $1 to fit in a stamp book; a full book is redeemable for a week at camp.  Stamps can be earned by memorization, visitors, etc.

Window Wash

Go door-to-door washing outside windows for $0.20 each.  Take orders for service.