Prospective Summer Staff Interviews

  • Prayer—begin and end each interview with prayer. Ask the Lord to send us the team of His choosing. You can be confident this is praying in God’s will because He has told us to do so.
  • Relationships—look for commonalities that open the door for consideration (e.g., common friends / previous SS, interests, age, backgrounds, spiritual goals)
  • Vision—think it through and then practice in advance how you will turn the conversation from what’s in it for them to the eternal value of reaching young people for the Lord Jesus Christ.
  • Challenge—present the opportunity as a challenge, something they have the unique ability to do or they can grow into. “If anyone can do it” they may say, “then why not get someone else?”
  • Ask right—don’t be bashful about asking them directly to pray about this limited and unique opportunity to come and serve with us to reach young people this summer (of all the summers of their life, this may be their only opportunity to be a camp counselor).

Closing Thoughts

  • Mental preparation in advance is essential. Know three or four subpoints for each of these areas, know the answers to the questions they will generate, and memorize opening or transition statements. You have sacrificed a lot to be there, it has cost a lot to go, so don’t fumble it by not being prepared for the interview.
  • Read “Will You Serve With Me” from the Manager in Ministry Issue 24, available online at