New Young Leader

Big 5

  • Your position is a description of your responsibility not a reason for a new rule/policy—don’t use your position as the why behind what you are doing (e.g., “Do this because I said,” “I’m the leader; that’s why”).
  • Be humble—success is a result of God’s blessing and gifts, not your achievement and talent.
  • As a leader, you are a servant not a king—talk to everyone in a servant-like manner.
  • Figure out the needs of your followers, then quietly, consistently help them with their work, life, emotional, and spiritual needs.
  • Your words have more weight than they used to—be careful with your humor, off-handed comments, complaints, and whining; your words are powerful and noticed.

Little 5

  • Ask older leaders specific advice about your new responsibility.
  • Don’t fake experience—tell new followers that you are new, learning, and excited about the future.
  • You will now have access to new/more information—share it wisely; don’t gossip.
  • When bringing a problem to your boss/leader, bring a couple possible solutions.
  • Welcome feedback, evaluation, or criticism—ignore unjust, ignorant criticism; learn and change from just, wise criticism.