Learning While Changing

by Ron Perry

As a manager, I have learned the following lessons while seeking to implement change.

Followers will often take their cues from the leader who implements the change. (Anxiety and excitement are both contagious!)

The same flexibility I desire in my followers should be seen in my willingness to listen, learn, and adapt throughout the  change.

Keep the “end-user” in mind as change is considered, implemented, and evaluated.

Communication will be required before, during, and after a change.

Don’t be surprised if when after the change has been made, someone asks, “Now remind me why we made this change.”

Throughout the change, it is important to keep communicating the desired end to both the heart and the mind.

Vagueness does not help when communicating change. My best communication is to be direct, clear, concise, and consistent.

Don’t be surprised if the implementation of change causes other needs to surface.

Remember, when people hear about change happening, they are often thinking the following two questions:

▪ How is this going to negatively affect me?
▪ How is this going to benefit me?

Create a system that allows people to communicate through the midst of a change. Seek to avoid the “kill the messenger” possibility.

Recognize and rejoice at small victories and progress along the way.

Major changes in a ministry are often followed by numerous small adjustments.

Physical changes in a ministry can create positive spiritual changes in the lives of the people having to change.