Making It Memorable

Whether coordinating a week of camp, planning meetings, youth activity, or church event, we want to make them memorable. Include the following four things to make your next event memorable.

Anticipation—there is a fine art to anticipating something.  You can’t build up an event so big that the actual event is a let down; anticipation builds when you share some but not all details.

Once in a Lifetime—make  part of the event something that has never happened before and will probably never happen again. It’ll take effort, but the result will be remembered. It doesn’t have  to be epic to be once in a lifetime.

Tradition—in some ways, this is the opposite of once in a lifetime, but both can exist in the same event. People remember traditions. At our annual planning meetings,  we have a tradition of a table of games or candy in the center. During the first two hours of meetings, it is covered up.    The tradition and the anticipation work together and make our planning meeting  more enjoyable.

Remembrance—create a card, acrostic, giveaway, etc., that means something and can be put on a shelf, tacked on a bulletin board, or set in front of a monitor. At camp we might call this a souvenir, but the real purpose is to remember the event and its impact.