A to Z of Master-Planning

The following list is a compilation of my thoughts and ideas on master-planning after having worked on a master plan for over thirty years and studying Nehemiah. It does not represent an exhaustive study or summary of the available information and helps on this subject. Those helps are available and should be considered by a serious practitioner of the art of master-planning.

Ask God for wisdom, direction, insight, and creativity (imagination).

Begin with an accurate map of the property.

Codes, laws, and ordinances; know the pertinent requirements.

Dream awhile before you start drawing. Look at various options; think it through.

Environmental concerns; this is your corner of the creation. How can you use this to the advantage of your ministry?

Facts and details are important; generalizations will kill a plan.

God’s call has brought this ministry into existence for His purpose. What is that purpose?

Humility of spirit; don’t plan with pride (1 Peter 5:6).

Inventory what you have and start there (Matthew 15:34).

Just remember, this is for people to use. Are you a student of people? Sleep, eat, relax, and listen to preaching without distractions!

Know the terrain, the weather patterns, water issues, etc., of your location.

Location, location, and location. What is the drive time (access) of the main body of your constituents?

Miracles are not always spectacular, but they are always the hand of God upon you.

Neighbors, noise, nuisance, and notification requirements must always be considered.

Organize for success as you plan. Set up a place to think and dream; time, tools, and information needed.

Philosophy = purpose = program = planning = priority (each determines the next).

Questions from your leadership team should be welcomed and answered.

Residential areas for staff.

See with the eyes of faith—learn to trust God, His provision, and His timing.

Today do what you can. Do something permanent every day, no matter how small.

Use a pencil; keep an eraser handy.

Vision is a compass; not a calendar or a calculator. It gives direction only.

Wait on God and His timing and resources. Don’t speak for God.

Xenostic nature of ministry—we are strangers and pilgrims upon this earth. Remember the eternal is more important than the temporal.

Yes, we can do this! Have a positive, optimistic attitude (Phil 4:13).

Zero without God; zenith with God. In His will and for His glory!