Meeting People

  • Smile—a genuine “I’m glad to see you” not the cheesy, quick grin. Catching the person’s eye and communicate care.
  • Offer your help—start with a question like, “Are you looking for something?,” “Can I help you?,” or simply “Need anything?” Let them know you are available to help and not in such a big hurry that their needs can’t be addressed.
  • Ask a question—ask them a question about something in the past, from the past week or even earlier in the day.
  • Create Anticipation—be excited about what is upcoming, something on the camp schedule or something you know about that is worthy of anticipating.
  • Thank you—recognize how this person has helped make your ministry possible and thank them for their contribution. Everyone is someone for whom you can be thankful.

Opening Questions

  1. Are you good at meeting people for the first time? What makes you good or bad at it?
  2. Try to hear from most everyone in your group. You will need to press to get a wide variety of answers
  3. What are the strategies for avoiding meeting people?
  4. Don’t look at them, be in a hurry, make your phone your wall, etc.

Closing Thoughts

  • Practice, Practice, Practice! This is a skill!
  • Quit thinking about yourself and look for opportunities to help others.
  • Create enough time in your schedule to allow other people to interrupt your life.