How To… Set Up a Memory Program

Proctor Checklist

Preparation Tips

  1. Use your list of qualified students to pray for those whom you will be proctoring each week. They will need much support from you and anointing from the Holy Spirit to finish this journey victoriously.
  2. Make sure you have read the current week’s recitation several times. Use scoring sheets for the preparation.  Reading aloud to yourself will help give you the feeling and the timing of the recitation.  It will also alert you to common mistakes and the parts that are hard to say or understand.

Session Tips

  1. A session is a single sitting for a proctor. It may be composed of multiple recitations from multiple students.
  2. Each student gets ten minutes to complete the weekly recitation and any bonus point recitations.
  3. Make certain you have enough time for each student at each session. Try not to use the session for casual conversation until all students have been proctored.
  4. Make certain each session is private in order to eliminate distractions, assure accuracy of scoring, and reduce pressure on the student.
  5. Make certain you and the student are not facing each other during the recitation. No assistance may be given, and no aids may be used.

Scoring Tips

  1. Make certain you have enough correct scoring sheets for each student. Fill out a scoring sheet for every recitation (including bonus point recitations) of every student each session.
  2. Fill out the scoring sheets in pen, complete all the information, and return all scoring sheets to the head proctor’s box after each session.
  3. Each recitation must have less than ten added, deleted, or changed words to pass. If the student fails, he may not survey the sheet and say it again.  The student must get another recitation appointment not sooner than three hours and never more than two a day.  He can attempt to say the passage again without looking at it if it is within the ten-minute time period.
  4. Make a slash through each word that is changed or deleted. Make a slash through each space where a word is added.  Cancel a slash with an additional slash through the same space or word.  Reversing two words is the same as changing two words.
  5. If after the recitation you are unsure of what you heard or that you marked it correctly, you may have the student repeat a section. The score must never go down as a result of repeating.

Scripture Scholarship Bible Memory Program

Purpose for Scripture Scholarship:

  1. To reward our youth for their success in memorization of the Word.
  2. To provide a way for the entire church family to be involved in the spiritual development of our youth.
  3. To prepare our youth spiritually for the climax of summer.
  4. To reduce the financial impact on youth and families attending summer camp.
  5. To encourage and reward the development of personal discipline.


Any qualified youth will be invited to earn a camp scholarship by joining the Scripture Scholarship Bible Memory Program.  The successful completion of the pre-defined requirements will entitle the student to a single scholarship.  This is a faith program and is dependent on the gifts of the church members.  In the event that there are not enough gifts for the entire camp fee, the monies will be divided evenly among those who have completed the requirements.


  1. Qualified youth: Any youth qualified to go to camp.  Church membership is required.
  2. Scripture Scholarship: The total fees that would have to be collected by the church from every youth to attend camp.
  3. Successful completion: To remain qualified during the program.  This will be determined by the proctor(s).
  4. Pre-defined requirements: The following requirements must be met to remain qualified:
  • Reciting the passages on the correct date for that passage (see schedule).
  • Obeying the following rules for recitation:

1) No tangible memory aids may be used.

2) No prompting will be given.

3) References must be quoted for each recitation.

4) Each recitation must be within ten minutes.

5) Each recitation must have less than ten added, deleted, or changed words.

6) The recitation cannot be past the date for which the passage is required unless approved by the head proctor.  This will be for real emergencies.

7) If the student fails, he may not survey the sheet and say it again.  The student must see a proctor in a new session not sooner than three hours and never more than two a day.

8) Each student must notify the head proctor if it seems like he is going to fail the requirements.

  • Reciting a pre-chosen passage on the last week of the program
  • Registering for camp at the beginning of Sunday school ($40.00)

5. Bonus points: Will be assessed and accumulated by the proctor(s). Bonus points will be assigned as follows:

  • Minus one point for each added, deleted, or changed word
  • Plus five points for each vocabulary definition with references
  • Twenty points for review (recitation) on previous chapters (one time per session)

Scripture Scholarships for Camp


  1. To reward our youth for success in memorization of the Word.
  2. To provide a way for the church family to be involved in the spiritual development of our youth.
  3. To prepare our youth spiritually for the climax of summer camp.
  4. To reduce the financial impact on youth and families attending summer camp.


Any qualified youth will be invited to earn a Scripture Scholarship by joining a Bible memorization scholarship program.  The successful completion of the predefined requirements will entitle the student to a single scholarship.  If there are more scholarship winners than there are scholarships, the scholarships will be given to those who earn the most bonus points.


  1. Qualified youth: Any youth qualified to go to camp.  Church membership is not required.  Application must be received during scholarship registration time.
  2. Scripture Scholarship: The total fees that would have to be collected by the church from every youth wishing to attend camp.
  3. Successful completion: To remain qualified during the program.  This will be determined by the proctor(s).
  4. Pre-defined Requirements: The following requirements must be met to remain qualified:
  • Reciting 1 John on the following published schedule:

Week 1……. Chapter 1:1-10……………. January 21
Week 2……. Chapter 2:1-6…………….. January 28
Week 3……. Chapter 2:7-14…………… February 4

Week 4……. Chapter 2:15-19…………. February 11
Week 5……. Chapter 2:20-29………… February 18
Week 6……. Chapter 3:1-6…………….. February 25
Week 7……. Chapter 3:7-15…………… March 3
Week 8……. Chapter 3:16-24…………. March 10
Week 9……. Chapter 4:1-6…………….. March 17
Week 10….. Chapter 4:7-15……………. March 24
Week 11…… Chapter 4:16-21………….. March 31
Week 12…… Chapter 5:1-5……………… April 7
Week 13…… Chapter 5:6-15……………. April 14
Week 14…… Chapter 5:16-21………….. April 21
Week 15…… Chapter ? at random……. April 28

  • Obeying the following rules of recitation:

1). No tangible memory aids may be used.

2). No prompting will be given.

3). References must be quoted for each recitation.

4). Each recitation must be within ten minutes, including any bonus recitation.

5). Each recitation must have less than ten added, deleted, or changed words.

6). Each recitation appointment time must be kept.

  • Reciting a randomly selected chapter on the last week of the program.

5. Bonus Points: Will be assessed and accumulated by the proctor(s). Bonus points will be assigned as follows:

  • Minus one point for each added, deleted, or changed word.
  • Plus two points for each vocabulary definition.
  • Fifteen points for quoting “The Seven Certainties” in 1 John in one recitation.
  • Twenty points for quoting the previous chapter in one recitation.
  • One to ten points for a dramatic recitation of chapter of choice if a tie must be broken.

6. Proctor(s): Those appointed by the staff to listen to the recitations for the purpose of determining continued qualification and keeping score of bonus points.  Points will be recorded and accumulated by the proctor(s).

The Seven Certainties
Bonus Points

1 John might be entitled, “The Letter of Certainties.”  It opens with a positive statement of personal knowledge of Christ (1:1-3).  1 John strongly emphasizes the spiritual “knowledge” available to believers.  The word know, or its equivalent, appears over thirty times.  From 1 John, we can be certain of or know through seven important facts about Christianity.

Memorize each of the seven statements of knowledge and the supporting verses with references.  All seven statements must be recited at one recitation.  The entire recitation is worth fifteen points, and the score is all or nothing.  The recitation can be done any week of the schedule, but only one attempt per week is allowed.  Six or more errors will be considered incomplete.

  1. We know that a righteous life indicates regeneration.

We know that whosoever is born of God sinneth not; but he that is begotten of God keepeth himself, and that wicked one toucheth him not (5:18).

  1. We know that we shall be like Christ at his coming.

Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be:  but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is (3:2).

  1. We know that Christ came to take away our sins.

And ye know that he was manifested to take away our sins; and in him is no sin (3:5).

  1. We know that brotherly love indicates that we have passed from death to life.

We know that we have passed from death unto life, because we love the brethren.  He that loveth not his brother abideth in death (3:14).

  1. We know that Christ lives in us by the witness of the Spirit.

And he that keepeth his commandments dwelleth in him, and he in him.  And hereby we know that he abideth in us, by the Spirit which he hath given us (3:24).

  1. We can know that we have eternal life.

These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God:  that ye may know that ye have eternal life, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God (5:13).

  1. We know that our prayers are answered.

And if we know that he hear us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we desired of him (5:15).

Score:  ________

Suggested Vocabulary
Bonus Points

I John contains many key words that are often used in Scripture.  They are particularly important to our understanding of doctrine and our relationship with God through Christ.  Each definition is worth two bonus points.  You can get bonus points for each definition only once.  You may recite as many or as few as you wish at each recitation.  Scoring is all or nothing for each definition.  Each recitation must include the vocabulary word, the entire definition, and one example verse with reference.

  • Manifest (v) – 1:2; 2:19; 3:5, 8, 10; 4:9; appear; declare; show
  • Deceive (v) – 1:8; 3:7; cause to roam from safety, truth, or virtue; go astray; seduce
  • Advocate (n) – 2:1; intercessor; supporter; defender; one who “sticks up” for you
  • Propitiation (n) 2:2; 4:10; atonement; expiator; an appeasement or conciliation to an offended power; something to soften justified wrath
  • Abide – 2:6, 10, 14, 17, 24, 27, 28; 3:6, 14, 24; to stay in a given place, state, or relation; dwell; endure; be present; remain
  • Lust (n) – 2:16, 17; a longing for what is forbidden; intense craving; concupiscence; desire
  • Antichrist – 2:18, 22; 4:3; an opponent of the Messiah
  • Anointing, Unction – 2:20, 27; the special endowment of the Holy Spirit; to be selected and empowered by the Holy Spirit
  • Bestow (v) – 3:1; give; commit
  • Righteous (adj) – 2:1, 29; 3:7, 10, 12; just; right; innocent; holy
  • Unrighteous (adj) – 1:9; 5:17; unjust iniquitous; wrongful; guilty
  • Wicked (adj) – 2:13, 14; 3:12; 5:18, 19; hurtful; evil; calamitous; diseased; bad
  • Purify (v) – 3:3; make clean; sanctify
  • Sin (v) – 1:7-10; 2:1, 12; 3:4-6, 8, 9; 4:10; 5:16-18; offense against God
  • Perceive (v) – 3:16; know; be aware of; understand
  • Assure (v) – 3:19; make confident, persuade, convince, cause to trust
  • Condemn (v) – 3:20, 21; find fault with; blame
  • Confess (v) – 1:9; 4:2, 3; 4:15; assent; acknowledge; admit; profess
  • Begotten (v) – 4:9; 5:1, 18; born; brought forth; conceived
  • Perfected (v) – 2:5; 4:12, 17, 18; completed; consummated; finished; accomplished
  • Witness (n) – 1:2; 5:6, 8-10; testimony, evidence; record
  • Petition (n) – 5:15; a thing asked for, requirement; request

Score:  ________

Written by David and Barbara Rowley