Operational Theme

More for Them Than They Thought

Each season I select an operational theme for our staff based on the greatest need of our staff as we serve. Our theme this fall was “more for them than they thought.” During staff meetings over the last several months, we have looked at the implications of this statement. Listed below are a few thoughts that have developed this into a phrase that will stick with our team for a long time.

Every time I experience “more for me than I thought,” I share it with our team. I am amazed at how many of these experiences involve small acts of service and kindness. Little things really do make a big difference.

What does more mean? More in quantity or quality? Yes, but what about more variety? We listed three ways that more can happen (quantity, quality, and variety) and then took those words and applied them to some of the most basic of things that we do. It was amazing how many ways we could do more.

Who is them? At first it appears to just be the customer. If you expand them to mean your boss, your coworker, your vendors, etc., you will have plenty to think about.

“Than they thought” deals with their expectations. For those who have never been involved with our ministry, this is easier than for the those whom we
have served for several years. With both, “more for them than they thought” should be our goal. Sometimes their expectations are based on experiences that they have had at other camps or conference centers. By paying attention to those other experiences, we can learn what they may expect.

People do “more for them than they thought,” not facilities.

Ask for testimonies from your team of ways that they have received “more than they thought.”