Myths of Youth Work

  1. Youth work is all fun and games.
  2. We’re leaving at 5:30 sharp.
  3. We’ll be back at 9:00 p.m.
  4. Look at all these people; we must be doing something right. (Numbers determine success.)
  5. If I keep them busy, I’ll keep them out of trouble.
  6. Parents don’t know anything.
  7. If you’re funny and/or crazy, you belong in youth work.
  8. Activities make a youth group.
  9. We could have reached them if we would have done more.
  10. I get paid to have fun.
  11. This plan will work; it always does. (Any statement involving always and never )
  12. It was just a little joke.
  13. The bus runs well.
  14. Practical jokes are harmless fun.
  15. All kids are the same.
  16. Teens do not think.