Nehemiah Committee Christian Service

by Dave Peters

Nehemiah was a “man who had a mind to work.”  With tremendous persistence, he organized a building program to provide walls around the city of Jerusalem.  Facing persecution and tribulations from without and within, he forged ahead with an unwavering faith in God.  He was single-minded.  He knew what it was that he had to accomplish, and he stayed on the task until it was completed.  This committee will want to model Nehemiah in “getting their hands dirty.”  Also, they will need Nehemiah’s single-minded purpose and dedication to not give up.  We need to build activities around purposes, not just plan a “party” to fill up the calendar.

What’s Our Purpose?

  • Outreach?
  • Inreach?
  • Group unity?
  • Group involvement?
  • Community testimony?
  • Involving newcomers?
  • Getting to know others better?


  • Posters
  • Flyers and handouts
  • Photo poster
  • Announcements
  • Information to church office


  • Best location?
  • Easy to find?
  • Used recently?


  • Are we remembering our purpose?
  • How can we accomplish it?
  • Related games, etc.


  • Who needs encouragement?
  • When can we get the most to help?
  • What equipment will we need?
  • What about transportation?


  • Is it cost prohibitive?
  • How can we cut costs?
  • Can EVERYONE afford it?
  • Establish costs early.
  • Will we pay a speaker?

Details to Plan

  • Devotional
  • All jobs completed, etc.
  • Games
  • Music
  • Photographer


  • Cost
  • Preparation
  • Who’s purchasing?  How?


  • How many are coming?
  • How many vehicles are needed?
  • Does the church office know?

After-Church Fellowships

  • Music
  • Devotions
  • Activities