Office Basics

Your desk is for supplies not storage. If you haven’t touched an item in a year, it should be considered something for storage.

A secretary or assistant will not fix your problems. She might even magnify them.

One person, one calendar.

Where am I? When will I be back? How do those two questions get answered in your office?

Once-a-year cull. Pick a day during the slowest part of your year to go through your entire office.

Designate a place for everything. This is your defense against clutter.

Decorate your office with reminders of what is important to you and, more importantly, what is important to God.

Cluster interruptions.

Your office is the hub of communication channels. Use the right channel for the right reason.

  • Email –> information
  • Phone –> questions and reminders
  • Pen and paper –> encouragement
  • One on one –> teaching, problems, and adjustments

An office should have the following little things.

  • Tissues
  • Breath mints
  • Plenty of pens
  • Another chair
  • Something to fiddle with

Differentiate between a study office and a work office. If you are using the same office for both, how do you identify which office you are in?

Clear the top of the desk before you start the next project.