Performance Evaluation

This article has a two-page PDF attached that is designed for you to copy and use in your own ministry. Personal evaluations can be valuable if done on a yearly basis as part of your ministries investment into the lives of your staff. Hand out these sheets several days before the evaluation. Page one deals with the work place skills and habits; page two is much more subjective and may get to a more personal or spiritual level.

Helpful Hints

  • Only do three or four evaluations a week. These can be emotionally draining.
  • Always end by asking the individual if he has any questions. If your staff knows that this is a platform to ask questions, they will many times bring up things before they blow up.
  • Pick one area that the individual excels in and one area in which he could improve. You don’t have to go over the evaluation line by line. Pick out the highlights and low points, then put together a plan to deal with the area needing improvement.
  • Congratulate the individual if he identifies the same weakness that you noticed. Half the battle is won if you both agree on what area needs change or improvement.
  • If the individual leaves something blank, it may be a sensitive area. Talk about it. Ask questions about it.
  • Personal evaluations are like bad tasting medicine. We don’t like it but we know it will help. We won’t take it unless somebody makes us. We’ll appreciate it when it’s all done.

For Performance Evaluation PDF, click here.