
  • People are more important than pets.
  • Pets need training.
  • Love blinds—the pet’s owner loves the pet more than anyone else. What is cute to the owner is not always cute to others.
  • Pets need care and attention; they cost time and money.
  • Pets are mostly for your personal benefit; occasionally they benefit the community.

Opening Questions

  1. What is the best/worst pet you have had (from your childhood to the present)?
  2. For better or for worse. we tend to like our pets.
  3. Would you say that pets help your friendships with people or hurt them?
  4. We are normally thinking of other people’s pets hurting our relationship with them because of how their pet affects us. We tend to not realize how our pet affects others.

Closing Thoughts

  • How do you know when your pet has crossed the line? What do you do about it? There must be a point where people are more important than animals.
  • Discuss the real cost of pets. It is much higher than most people think when they are looking at the little puppy in front of Wal-Mart.
  • Be careful that your emotional attachment does not cloud common sense and good judgment.
  • Make hard choices!