Recurring Topics to Brainstorm

Listed below are topics that can be thrown out to your team for discussion and input. If you are really brave, send this list out a couple of days ahead before the meeting and give your team the homework of coming up with one idea for each topic. Many times the group wants more details about what is required, but the intentional vagueness allows their input to be broad. Probably the most important one on the list is “What can I do to help you do your job better?”

▪ Serving our ministry leadership better
▪ The top five ways that we can improve service
▪ Evaluate and improve inter-team relations
▪ Avoiding growth stunters
▪ What I can do to help you do your job better
▪ Tools that we need to do the job better
▪ Dealing with perception and reality
▪ Fed carpet instead of red tape
▪ Me?? . . . a mentor?