Something to Think About

Budgeting Time

by Sam Brock

Every year around December and January, we begin the process of setting the budget. We figure out income and expenses and try to get everything within budget. It is an agonizing process of saying no to good things because there are better things to do. I always wish we had more money or less requests, but the fact remains that at the end of a year we must be within budget. The phrase “you just need to budget your time better” prompted me to think that some of the things that we do naturally with money also could apply to time.

  • Set aside a little and eventually it becomes a lot—we cannot save up time like we can money, but we can spend fifteen minutes every day making progress on one thing.
  • A budget/schedule actually gives you freedom to do what you planned and know it is okay to spend the budgeted amount.
  • If you have no budget/schedule, the urgent or impulsive becomes king.
  • Present problems are usually the result of repeated past failures.
  • Be realistic about your budget/schedule—as it changes or you notice that it does not align with reality, change the budget.
  • Be willing to give up the unnecessary or even the good in order to do the better.

Can you think of any more? Many of the same principles you use with your money may apply to your time.