Staff Meeting Openers

If you are looking for an interesting fact for the start of a staff meeting, following are several places to look.

Guinness Book of World Records—I am amazed at all the categories.

Uncle John’s Bathroom Reader—your local Barnes and Noble will have a collection of these books. At the bottom of each page is a unique fact. I cannot attest to their reliability, but they are interesting.

The monthly magazine in the airline seat pocket—almost every time I fly, I find a page or two that is worth noting. On my last trip, I learned that the average amount of time a football is actually in play during a 60 minute game is 11 minutes. See, isn’t that interesting? No? Then guess how many minutes are spent in commercial break. Uh huh, now you’re interested. Of the 174 minutes to broadcast the game, 75 minutes are commercial breaks, and 17 minutes are replays—all according to the airline magazine which was quoting the Wall Street Journal.

Your own ministry trivia—this usually just takes a few minutes to make a call, ask a question, or do the math. Your own trivia is fun.

The internet—my favorite is When asking how many people live on planet earth their answer is, “An exact figure is never possible. However, according to the World POPClock Projection (US Census Bureau) as of December 30, 2010 at 8:58 GMT it is 6,890,309,333 but it’s changing as you read this answer, so update as needed.”