Camp Stores Philosophy

  • Provide a source for refreshments between meals—we want to make sure that no camper needs to pay for water or sufficient food for the day; the store should provide a variety of snacks and drinks suitable for campers of all ages at a moderate price.
  • Provide a location and/or device for relationship building—a part of the store should have a coffee shop atmosphere where the décor is cozy and the seating appropriate for small group conversations. Give speakers and sponsors coupons to create a reason for a one-on-one conversation; coupons are affordable to the ministry because these items have a value based on labor rather than actual cost.
  • Provide resources to campers for church ministry or for personal growth—if a camper makes a decision at camp, we would like to provide them resources that would help them keep that decision; a special section of books will be Bible study guides appropriate for camper ages and reading abilities.
  • Provide items that help a camper remember their experience at Ironwood—the items should be chosen based on appropriateness for camper ages and finances; they should fit the western theme, spiritual theme, or be “branded.”
  • Resident staff are provided the opportunity to create items to sell in the stores—these items should be presented to the stores director for consideration and a price decided upon with input from both parties (items below $10 are desirable); the staff member will receive an order from the stores team, and when the order is fulfilled they will be paid. The mark-up will be 15%.

Closing Thoughts

  • Souvenirs need to be of sufficient variety that something would appeal to most campers—quality that lasts must be balanced with prices that allow most to go home with something; this means we need some quality and price points at both ends of the spectrum of our camper.
  • The stores team will make an effort to create products to sell using the tools available to us. Scripture for the home is a focus of this.
  • The goal for income from stores is to contribute to the general fund each year. Any income over that amount will be spent on program improvements. A target “profit” margin will be 40%.