
Designing a Working Structure

by Linda Hubbard

Mentoring is a relationship; it is not a program, ministry, or Bible study. It is not a one-size-fits-all format that achieves an identical product. Ideally, mentoring is a unique, individualized process where each M & M team (Mentor & Mentee) works together on an area of need or the next step of spiritual maturity. The following structure idea can be tweaked, re-named, and re-designed to fit your church size and philosophy.

We often get sidelined in developing mentor and mentee teams because we don’t have a reason to begin such a relationship. At such times, an organized ministry or program may be helpful to provide a loose structure and bring faithful women together who desire a mentoring relationship.

Once faithful women are identified as good candidates for mentoring relationships, then begin to advertise and invite these ladies to attend an ORIENTATION COFFEE. This is promoted as an informational meeting, and no commitments are made until after the coffee. If one wants to participate in mentoring, she “must” be in attendance at the coffee. Saturday morning may work well from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon. The orientation coffee is best done in a home setting which adds a beginning element of warmth and hospitality.

According to the size and makeup of a church, the structure of such a ministry may look different or may have less “structure,” but women are often quite similar in that they like to know “the plan” and “the process.”

Orientation Coffee Agenda

Greeting and Registration — Name tags; Profile Sheets (distribute; do not fill out); Photo (may be necessary if large church; to attach to profile cards)

Breakfast and Socialize (finger foods are easy to assemble, serve, and eat on lap)

Prayer and Welcome

Opening Remarks and Explanation of Profile Cards

Teach/Discuss — Introduce “What is Mentoring?”; address time commitment, confidentiality, duration of relationship


Testimonies—Results of mentoring in individual lives

Introductions—Each lady introduces herself and states why she has an interest in mentoring.

Explain what happens after today — Prayer for God’s wisdom in matching mentors and mentees; phone call to inform whether selected as a mentor or mentee and to confirm a time and place for Kickoff Night (Suggestion: a week or two after orientation and during a week night using the church as the location for the Kickoff Night); explain purpose of and required participation at the Kickoff Night if selected as a mentor or mentee

Field questions from group and close with prayer

Completion of Profile Sheets (make decision to participate or not)

The Orientation Coffee has now provided the ladies who will begin the mentoring relationships. Depending on the size of the church, it may be effective to select from these participants at least three ladies to serve on a prayer team who will assist in overseeing the mentoring ministry. The prayer team will meet to pray for the candidates and will make the selection of matching individual mentor and mentee teams. Each member of the prayer team will serve as a prayer leader to a smaller group of mentors/mentees. The prayer leader will “check in” regularly to see how the relationship is going, pray for needs, and serve as an encourager. She may host a fellowship time during the six months just for her M & M teams. She will make herself available to answer questions, make suggestions, and be faithful to pray for God’s leading in these individual M & M teams she is overseeing. The prayer leaders are used to call her small group and inform them of their selection and give information concerning Kickoff Night.