Understanding Temptations

by Shannon Steuerwald

We Christians always have the ability to do what’s right. We always have the means to make the right choice. According to 1 Corinthians 10:13, there is nothing that comes my way that is stronger than my ability to choose to do what’s right because God is faithfully giving me the grace I need to conquer my worst enemies. “The devil made me do it” is not a biblical phrase. The following outline relates how the first recorded temptation and sin mirrors our present-day struggles with temptation. When we better know how our mind works and how our deceived heart is not trustworthy, we are better able to combat our fleshly nature.

Genesis 3:4-8

False Impression

We (with Satan’s help) believe that the wrong things of this world are not really that bad. We believe certain sins are not that serious. We are deceived.

Aroused Passion

We see something, someone, or some situation that is appealing to our life—mind, body, or emotions.

Personal Advantage

Because we see this powerful response as pleasant and reasonable, we believe it is beneficial to ourselves to pursue.

Entertain It

We begin to toy with the desire more and more to the point that we begin to make an active choice to act upon it.

Act and React

We put action to our desires and respond with discouragement over the fact that we failed. The guilt is daunting.

Hide It

We try to excuse or hide our failures from God and others, which builds the wall of separation from God and others.