Spiritual Theme

  • God centered—the character of God is the foundation of decisions made by man.
  • Soul changing—a person will exist forever. Impacting souls is living a life today for something bigger than life.
  • Core truth—these are only found in the Bible. Find the passage that details the core truth of your theme.
  • Memorable—something with a handle that can be easily remembered visually or in the wordsmithing. Let this marinate in your mind as you think of all the ways to make it memorable.
  • Repeated—able to be reviewed, sent home, etc.

Opening Questions

  1. How do you remember things?
  2. Repetition will be a common answer as well as some aspect of ingredients of memorable—e.g., unique, visually stunning, catchy jingle, wordplay.
  3. Is there a phrase that your parents always said?
  4. This is the family version of a theme.

Closing Thoughts

  • Very few things are in the front of your mind. What does it take to put a truth about God in the front of your mind?
  • Look for 10 ways to communicate your theme, 10 times to emphasize your theme, and 5 ways to wear your theme.
  • Start with your Bible—read, meditate, study. Put in an hour a day for a month on the truth that you want to share. Read what others have written about the truth. Immerse yourself in this truth. You need depth!