Why Doesn’t Anyone Listen to Me?
10 Ways to Grow a Team of Listeners
1. Be a credible talker.
a. Don’t exaggerate.
b. Be consistent.
c. Don’t waffle back and forth.
2. Work on your timing—Pick a moment that people are ready to listen.
3. Don’t beat around . . . that green thing . . . ya’ know . . . the leafy plant . . . the bush—say what you need to say.
4. Stop mumbling.
5. Be a better listener.
6. Use simple words.
7. Don’t be too blunt.
a. A relationship must be built in order to be blunt.
b. Understand the context of the situation.
c. You don’t want to come across as uncaring.
8. Eliminate listening distractions (hot, cold, loud, quiet, uncomfortable chairs, naptime, etc.).
9. Get their attention—Do something to get their listening started.
10. Ask for feedback, the ultimate test of listening.