Using Words That Minister

  • Communication was initiated by God for healthy relationships—Satan hijacked pure communication to undermine God’s objectives; God’s communication demonstrates a perfect guide for us to follow; truthful lips establish trusting relationships (Psalm 27:7–8, Proverbs 22:21; Genesis 2:15–17; 3:8).
  • Communication has human elements that desperately need divine assistance (Psalm 141:3; 16:23; James 3:2, 13).
  • Communication must be governed by the law of kindness and love—words are connected to motives and agendas, which must be evaluated and limited by the law of love (Proverbs 31:26, 15:1; Colossians 4:6; Ephesians 4:29).
  • Silence and speaking must be directed by righteous objectives (Psalm 78:1–8; Proverbs 10:19–21; 26:4–5; Ecclesiastes 5:2).
  • A wise heart relies on attentive ears to accomplish excellent speech—I must listen well to speak well (Proverbs 11:14; 18:13).

Opening Questions

  • How important are words to our success?
  • To what extent does our communication expand or limit us?
  • What is something you have won with words? Something you have lost with words?

Closing Thoughts

  • Prayer is one of the greatest uses of communication—it connects us to God and drives us to love our neighbor through His help.
  • Words are messengers on a mission—be sure the mission accomplishes the priorities of God.
  • Words are the tools of counselors to enact change.