Personal Work & Work at Personal

  • Purpose of the moment—what is this time set aside for? Respect the purpose. Single track minds and uni-presence mean that we can really only do one thing at a time.
  • Personal moments in work times—long moments (e.g., breaks, meals, end of day, waiting): key is transition back to work; short moments (e.g., “Hi, how are ya”): key is it doesn’t slow you down.
  • One affects many or many affect one—cumulative effects of moments.
  • Fellowship of the work—the work is ministry, does build friendship, is encouraging, and is the design of a portion of my time.
  • Reassigning the purpose of the moment—not for convenience; communicated and compared; intentional beginning, ending, and continuation.

Opening Questions

  1. How do you know when to stop and talk or get going and work?
  2. Depends on the priority of the moment
  3. What parts of our job allow us to talk and work at the same time?
  4. Not everything! Only the things that are so simple or redundant that it allows you to think and work about two different things.

Closing Thoughts

  • Watch for bad habits that become standard expectations and rob you of your work ministry.
  • Consider how your phone is used for both personal and work times and make sure it is a tool for the moment going both directions.
  • Is there one person in your life whom you need a strategy to keep them from distracting you from the purpose of the moment? What is your strategy?